About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.
even If we say or do nothing we are still responsible. ~ lucas in mama i want to sing
FWD: In order to go anywhere with God something has to make us want to go ~ beth moore
After he hitches a ride on a russian spy's plane a 14yo inadvertantly becomes caught up in an international conspiracy
[2/2] and a 16 yr old boy
[1/2] After her parents die mysteriously a girl is forcibly taken and accidently infused with a drug that turns her into a spy. Now shes on the run with a baby
FWD: The dragon princess
FWD: A high school reporter`s life becomes endangered after she stumbles across a govt. conspiracy involving her schoolmates. *THE PELICAN BRIEF
[1/3] FWD: star crossed lovers, A vampire and werewolf female (the first and only living female in 1000 yrs) live together in hiding from her father and his hat
[3/3] atriarch of a family of "supernatural rejects"
[2/3] eful father\master gboth who are hunting them to destroy them; an immortal child is being raised by its human grandfather; they became the matriarch and p
FWD: He believed he was better and that was all that mattered
FWD: You have to lead even when it isnt easy; tom brady santonio; great players make great plays in critical moments