About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.

Attack at the Arena

Adventures in Odyssey continues their series with The Imagination Station series. Attack in the Arena is the second book chronicling the adventures of the time-traveling cousins Beth and Patrick, recruited by Mr. Whittaker to travel through time on various quests so that he can save his ancestor, Albert. Aided occasionally by a mysterious knight from England who travels through the Imagination Station, the cousins find themselves on an adventure to ancient Rome this time.

They landed in the very last gladitorial game seeking a silver cup that will somehow help Albert (we are not told how). Beth is hauled off by a soldier, believed to be a bird slave to the young Emperor Honorius because of the bird seeds in her bag. We learn that his people believe that the young emperor cares more for his birds than his people. He seems to tolerate the games, although he doesn't necessarily believe in them.

Patrick is taken in by a kind monk, Telemachus. They help a "barbarian" to run away although he is recaptured. They end up in Rome and Patrick is taken away to the arena. Beth is trying to find the Emperor's humanity - he's become extremely distant and cold from his people - while learning she now hates birds. Telemachus confronts the Emperor about the dreadful gladiator games, willing to sacrifice himself to make the Emperor understand the horror of the games.

Meanwhile the cousins seek the silver cup...

The book is easy to read with simple sentences and grammer and an interesting plot, just right for younger children. I really liked it (I like anything about ancient Rome, though). It talked about ancient Rome that was closer to the end of it. I definitely want more of the books about Beth and Patrick!

Definitely a 10 on a 10 point scale.