About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.

The First Escape in The Doppleganger Chronicles by G.P. Taylor

At first I was annoyed by the alternating text and graphics of the novel, but then I liked it. I realized I actually liked it and could see how it was a different and fun way of reading. 
Saskia and Sadie are identical in every way, except for their eyes, one has a blue left eye and a right yellow eye, and the other has a blue right eye and a left yellow eye. They were left by their mother, an actress, at Isambard Dunstan's School for Wayward Children, which has Erik and girls. The School is terrible, but the twins are in charge. When a wealthy reclusive writer wants to adopt Saskia, Sadie and Saskia are separated. Saskia finds a mystery living with her adopted mother. Sadie knows that Saskia's in danger and enlists Erik's help to find her. Saskia also meets a woman who gives her advice and teaches her to eat peas with a fork, who she believes is an angel and who tries to guide her to the Companion. She also finds out that her adoptive mother also met the angel once and that the angel helped Mudd Elliot as well.

It deals with abandonment by their mother, and their belief that she would return for them. It deals with Erik, abandoned by his father and his belief that he's much better off without his father, because he doesn't have to steal anymore and feel guilty all the time. It also deals with adoption and the effects on children of being separated from their siblings. The girls are definitely unique themselves. This book definitely seems creative and imaginative and would be good for children, teenagers, and older people who feel young!