About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.

Revenge of the Red Knight

Our favorite daring, time-traveling cousins Beth and Patrick are back for another adventure, this time to face knights and soldiers during the Crusades. 

Beth and Patrick stumbled across the Imagination Station in Whit’s ice cream shoppe, and since then have experienced magnificent adventures while seeking to help Whit’s friend and ancestor, Albert, and must find several objects scattered through time that he desperately needs.

They have carried these items back to 15th century England, during the Crusades. In the castle where they are staying, the steward of Lord Darkthorn’s castle discovers the items and accuses the cousins of being thieves. They decide to discover who the real thief is, which leads to an unexpected jostling contest. 

This is yet another wonderful, delightful adventure for Beth and Patrick, and teaches readers about the Crusades as well as imparting important wisdom about Christianity and God, as the cousins discover new lessons in each story. A must read for children, and parents will not be displeased by having their children read these time-traveling stories – since they point to the Lord.