About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.

Review of "Passages Volume 1: The Marus Manuscripts" by Paul McCusker

"Passages Volume 1: The Marus Manuscripts" by Paul McCusker combine three books into one set, Arin’s Judgment, Darien’s Rise, and Annison’s Risk. Each novel features the same setting, an alternate world, but the characters are all different and all experience different aspects of this strange new society in which they find themselves sent to, where they learn lessons about God, good, and evil. Still, the stories do flow together and are interesting reads in themselves. 

Paul McCusker has also wrote other stories for younger readers I've read, and I really enjoy his plain, simple style of writing, his colorful, clever, courageous characters, and his grasp of spiritual principles, incorporated into his stories. He always includes supernatural incidents like time travel into his stories, which is pretty popular with readers today. Overall, a great read and I highly recommend it.