About Me

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I have two Bachelor of Arts' degrees from Southeast Missouri State University, an English degree with an option in Writing and a Mass Communication degree with an emphasis in Journalism. I also have a minor in Spanish. I am proficient in Spanish, AP Style, Microsoft Office Suite, Pages Office Suite, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop.

Robot Wars Book 1 'Death Trap' by Sigmund Brouwer

"Robot Wars" was an exciting book, full of action and adventure. Broken into two adventures, Tyce is learning more about God. Even though he lives on an experimental colony on Mars, it's cool to think about the fact that God is everywhere and loves humans all over the universe. The setting of the story is also interesting, albeit far-fetched. But I love science fiction stories, and it's all about fantasy anyway! Even though I'm older, I wanted to review the book for any younger readers. This book is definitely worth reading, as are the rest in the series.